About Us


Of the 1.2 billion population, 29.8% of Indians are living below poverty line and the unemployment rate is at 9.8% (CIA- The World Factbook, 2012). Annually, 12.8 million youth are entering into the labour market along with the backlog of 49 million unemployed. Merely 5.06% of the youth in India are single skill vocationally trained. Thus, India has enormous challenges of not only creating skilled manpower, absorbing new entrants to the job market but also clearing the backlog. Unemployment can lead to extreme poverty, poor health, and susceptibility to crime, threat to country’s internal security, growing extremism, and recruitment to radical groups.

We believe that ‘income is development’. The notion of development continues to be based on the assumption that the primary need of the people at BoP is something other than the way to make money— better health care, nutrition, education, safe drinking water, etc. In reality, money is the primary means not only for the poor but also for any well-off individual to have access to the above vital resources. Social science research reveals that increase in income of poor households, lead to augmented spending on family— health, food, nutrition, shelter, clothing, children’s education and further improvement in their quality of lives.

Keeping the above in mind, We The People Group started livelihood initiatives through its non-governmental organisation (NGO) viz. We The People, registered as a Society on July 26, 2005 under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 at National Capital Territory (NCT), Delhi. ‘We The People’ strives to address the challenge of persistent poverty by creating income opportunities for the poor people through institutional development, financial inclusion and business development services. Till early 2009, We The People was largely focusing on self-employment of women. While working with poor women in the villages of Odisha, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh and, slums and resettlement colonies of Delhi & NCR, we used to get several requests from our women members and their families to assist their wards (who were largely under-educated and under-skilled) in getting jobs with necessary skills. At the same time, our engagement with large corporate under corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, we learnt that industry is facing challenges in sourcing semi-skilled or skilled blue-collar workforce for their hiring requirements.

As a result, in early 2009, the Governing Body of We The People unanimously decided to address the issue of poverty and unemployment through skill development and wage-employment emphasizing on the marginalized youth in India while continuing its intervention through self-employment.

From macro-economic perspective, India being the youngest population in the world has the unique opportunity to provide workers to an ageing world. In 2000, median age of India was 23.7 whereas that of China, Europe and Japan; the corresponding figure was 30, 37.7 and 41.2 respectively. By 2025, India will have the dependency ratio (over 65 years) of 12.1 for every 100 people. In case of China, Europe and Japan, the dependency ratio will be 19.2, 33.2 and 49 respectively. It appears that for the first time demographics are working in India’s favour and the country has the rich ‘demographic dividend’ that can be harnessed through effective skill development initiatives not only to meet the skill gap in the country but also provide skilled work force to the ageing world.

For creating skilled manpower and facilitating million jobs for the people at the base of the pyramid (BoP) working in the informal sector in India by 2020; Techpeople Management Services Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated as a private limited company on June 8, 2009 and later the name of the Company was amended to Justrojgar India Pvt. Ltd. on December 4, 2012.

Why justrojgar.com?

There has been ever growing demand from the India industries for the blue collar workforce. At the same time, there is huge shortage manpower in the informal sector jobs in tier 1 & tier 2 cities in recent years due to MNREGA. Attrition rate of blue collar workforce is between 30-40% within first three months of employment. Employers find it extremely difficult to hire manpower and moreover retaining them is a gigantic task.

Besides, there has been enormous challenge for ensuring minimum wages and social security benefits like ESI & PF, etc. for the under-privileged people working in the informal sector.

Moreover, there was hardly any single window online employability platform in India which can bridge the demand and supply gap through scouring, skilling, placement and outsourcing of manpower. At the same time, a very few placement agencies are working in ensuring minimum wages and social security benefits to the people working in the informal sector.

In light of the above, Justrojgar launched India’s first ever single window online employability platform viz. www.justrojgar.com for bridging the demand-supply gap in the informal sector jobs thereby connecting job seekers with employers/ recruiters and service providers with service users. Justrojgar provides scalable, sustainable and replicable solutions through a hybrid model of digital application including the website and Mobiles Apps (Facebook, Android and iPhone) integrated with our field offices at the state and district level besides, having on ground partnerships with government, NGOs, corporate, industries and MFI association as a single window platform.

To make this online employability platform more inclusive and pro-poor, we are in the process of integrating the web application with SMS and voice services.

Our Mission is to create one million jobs by 2020 for the people at base of the pyramid (BoP) working in the informal sector emphasizing on youth and women through www.justrojgar.com.

Our Model consists of:

  • Online and offline registration of the jobseekers, employers, mentors, service providers and service users through our employment website www.justrojgar.com, field offices and on ground nationwide partnerships;
  • Market aligned skills training for employability amongst under-educated and under-skilled youth and women;
  • Facilitate placements of blue collar workforce by connecting jobseekers with employers and offer post placement services for ensuring retention;
  • Outsourcing of blue collar workforce as a temping company thereby ensuring Minimum Wages, ESI & PF besides, offering financial inclusion services including no-frill bank account, micro-pension and insurance services;
  • Turnkey recruitment and on the job training (OJT) solutions to industries w.r.t. blue collar workforce;
  • Offer livelihoods consulting services to the corporate through corporate social responsibility (CSR) for promoting sustainable livelihoods of people at BoP;

Our customers/ clients include jobseekers/ skill aspirants, employers/ recruiters, corporate/ industries, RWAs/ domestic users and service providers dealing informal sector jobs/ work.